Over the years I've had several nicknames. Cimbi, Court, Putz, Fred, Eunice, Cork ( the dork), Chiclet, as well as the most recent one, Lady Grey.
Each one has a story, and each one means something totally different.
I think the one that is least known is Cimbi. (pronounced sym-bee) This was my grandfathers nickname for me. He had one for each of his grandchildren. I think he might have called me by my given name once. It was always Cimbi. It's got my initials, and it's got a bit of a story behind it. If I had been a boy, my grandpa would have called me Simba. Not sure how or when he had decided that, but that was how it was in his mind. Of course, when he found out I was a girl, he had to change it. Only one person has called me that since my grandfather passed away a few years ago. That was my Uncle, my mom's only brother. It was at my great-grandmother's 90th birthday and I had just finished up playing the piano, where I had been for pretty much the entirety of the evening. I got up, and was trying to sneak away when my uncle caught my arm, and said “Good job Cimbi". Something so simple. Yet those three words threw me completely off balance. For him, that was the best way to show how much he cared for me, and that isn't something he has shown a lot. It was a neat moment, and showed me just how grateful I am for the small moments.
Second one. Or I guess second ones, since two of them are given to me by the same person. Fred and Putz. If you haven't guessed the name-caller, you don't know my family very well. In case you're a little slower today, it's my dad. Putz is his favourite, and I think it's more-so because of how strange the word really is more than something actually nice and endearing. Fred has a slightly more meaningful story. When I was little, my dad used to read to me and my sister as often as possible. Fred and Ted was our favourite book. It's a simple children's story, but it's been passed down through generations. It's a nickname I get when I'm feeling sort of off, my dad will come over, give me a hug and say " Hey Fred" to which the usual response is " Hey Ted". Some might think it's a silly tradition, but it honestly makes me feel better. My dad usually knows exactly how to fix the silly little problems.
The rest of them ( Eunice, Cork, Court, Chiclet, and Lady Gray) are all names from friends. Eunice and Cork the dork are courtesy of some of my guy friends, who seem to think I have a resemblance to Eunice off of the movie"She's the Man". Chiclet is a nickname from my school friends, in particular my awesome study buddy :). Lady Gray comes from my dear friend Heidi, who turned 18 today. (Happy B-day!) Who seems to think I consume a little bit too much tea. Earl Grey tea in particular. But I love her anyways.
That's all for tonight. I'm off to finish my chamomile tea and drift off to the land of Nod. Today's rating? 7/10.
That which we call a Courtney Mae by any other name would smell as sweet. *sniff sniff*
You make me chortle Heidi-Jo.
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