There's something beautiful about a clean sheet of paper. Something open to new ideas, and an unbiased listener to any sort of problem that finds its way out of a pen.Paper can become anything. A blessing in the form of a letter from a loved one. A birth certificate stating the start of a new life.Paper can bear sad tidings. A loss of a loved one, papers to sign after someone passes away.
Paper can become art. Artists can use paper to channel their greatest works between their minds and the minds of their audience. Musicians share their most beautiful arrangements. All by the simple task of transforming ideas into tangible objects. They themselves become sort of magicians by making something that cannot be measured, something akin to an emotion, and turn it into something concrete and lasting. Something to be passed down and shared.
What better way to channel ideas from one mind to the next then through paper. It is something that can be taken out, read over and over, and appreciated more than once.Paper spreads news. It communicates ideas, it takes emotion and makes it something plausible, and it's slowly being replaced by technology. The need people have for instant communication is slowly taking over the beauty of the hand-written word.
In short, paper is sort of a clean slate. A place to start over, or to continue something beautiful.
I love this. Paper helps me think, if that makes any sense. I always write my posts on paper before I transfer them to the helps the words flow and the act of writing down the words makes my brain think harder. I also love looking at a blank sheet that's just waiting to be filled with thoughts and then looking at it again after I've written all over it. It turns the thoughts into more than just a thought.
Empty paper has promise.
And the feeling of transferring something abstract and intangible onto paper, feeling the words flow from your mind through your pen and onto the page--beautiful.
I love this, and I love Lizzie's comment, and I love you.
Thanks for the lovely comments ladies :) <3
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