Monday, April 26, 2010

Something's Beginning

Well, I've wanted to do this for quite some time now, but never got around to actually sitting down and starting one. I'm not entirely sure what is going to go up here, but I need to expand my writing past the little bits and pieces of English I've got every week. So I thought I'd start with a little bit about me.
I'm 17. That's something that I feel the need to state right off the bat. Loads of people think I'm anywhere from age 14 right up until 28. Nope, I'm 17. Thanks, but no thanks. 17 is just about right for the moment. I've got 3 siblings, all girls, and parents. That's pretty much the basics I guess. I live in Chestermere, and I've lived in several other places including Ontario and several places in and around Calgary. Alberta, to me, is home, although I don't see any issues with living somewhere totally different in 2 or 3 years.
Oh, Love it. Would do nothing but, if I suddenly came into some sort of steady/large income. Guess that's what comes with moving almost every 2 years growing up, I get itchy feet being in one place.

I've been to lots of places in Europe with school, but there's a huge part of me that'd love to try living out there. The smart side of my brain says live there and do some form of schooling. A larger part of me just wants to go somewhere totally different and completely lose myself in a totally different culture and way of life. Something about the mental picture I get when I think of taking a suitcase, a notebook, a camera and just sort of winging it makes me wish I was that brave/stupid. However, there still is a smart side of my brain that says to just stay grounded. At least for a few years.
How dull would that be though? To stay grounded for life. Out of any sort of lifestyle, I think that one scares me the most. Don't get me wrong, I love having somewhere to call home, and having so many people that I've known since childhood around me all the time...but a part of me just wants to go where no one knows me and start something new.
The side of me, though, that loves being at home with my family and friends is, for the moment, keeping my head out of the clouds. I mean, how far can I go with 12 years of education and only 17 years of life experience? No. For now, here's where I am and I'm not going anywhere fast.

Anyways, I'm rambling. Ciao all.

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