Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Do Re Mi

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do.

The minor keys and their eerie melody, or deep, major keys with their passion.
Music is such a huge part of me. I've been playing the piano since I was about 5 or 6 years old. That makes it about 10-11 years of playing in total. Because of moving every 2ish years and how long it would take my parents to find a piano teacher, and then having piano teachers that didn't really teach; I'm only in grade 7 at the moment. But that doesn't bother me because of the doors playing the piano has opened for me.
The first time I appreciated the endless lessons, hours of practicing, and all the time I spent learning sight reading, or practicing scales was when I got asked to play for a little choir in my church. I had been singing with this choir for two or three years, and I was more than happy to say yes. It was a challenge, don't get me wrong...but I loved every minute of it. Sitting behind that grand piano, playing intricate melodies with a choir standing next to me....there are no words for how much I loved it. I played for that choir for 3 years, and I think that's when my music talents went from simply playing to feeling every emotion in the keys.
So, yes. I do wish that I was at a higher level as far as Grades in piano go. However, I am more than content with my little choir at Tyndale, and playing simply for enjoyment.

Playing the piano is one of the best ways to express my emotions, and more often than not, it's the only way I really express myself. Give me 88 keys, 52 white and 36 black and I can easily open the door to my imagination.
There's music in the sighing of a reed;
There's music in the gushing of a rill;
There's music in all things, if men had ears:
Their earth is but an echo of the spheres.
~Lord Byron

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