Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I found this poem in my devotional book, and I thought it was something awesome I had to share :)

I know that some people laugh at me idealism-
At my effort to be a "light of the world",
At my eager, though often meager attempt to
Shine a ray of brightness into an otherwise
Dark, dank world.

There are times when I understand why people laugh and ridicule.
I mean, how dumb can I possibly be
To think my life really matters amidst
Four billion other people on this cinder speck of a planet
In this distant corner of the spinning, reeling universe.

Dear God, sometimes my light seems no brighter
Than the lambent glow of a single lightening bug
On a very cold,black night-
Barely a flicker, just a quick spark
Amidst darkness deeper than shade of a shadow.

Yet a spark, just a solitary spark is all it takes
To get a bonfire flashing and flaming, burning and blazing.

So, dear God, help me to realize my life does matter,
That being a Christian matters,
That telling others about Your great light matters.

Teach me the secret of high voltage living
So that I might be Your light in my world,
Beginning at home and spreading
To everyone within my circle of influence.

Dear God, renew in me Your Holy Spirit power-
That heavenly charge that enables mere lightening bugs
To flame bright as lightening bolts.

But you will recieve power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8


Heidi said...


Love this. As you probably knew I would.

This is super old school, but http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGwWSV3ePAc&feature=related ... I have an excellent piano duet for this song.

Courtney.Mae said...

I find it amazing that this was in my devotional book right after that conversation last night :)

I love that song :) and i also love piano duets!!!!